LRT, Taxi, Monorail and Jabra
Instead of heading straight to Bangi to pick up the medicine Uncle Azman agreed to meet me at Sogo. Took the Putra LRT from Wangsa Maju to Masjid before exchanging to STAR and went to Bandaray station. There he was, with Auntie Hamisah at The Fish Shop. The kids opted to stayed at home today and have cartoon marathon. After a quick lunch I stashed my luggage in Uncle Azman's car before we took a taxi to Low Yat Plaza. How arrogant the taxi driver was! My uncle kindly asked him to change the radio channel from Tamil station to something else but he refused and scold him back. We had to bear with the Tamil music all the way to Low Yat Plaza.
The real reason to be at Low Yat Plaza is the PDA Phone Fair. Both Uncle Azman and Auntie Hamisah already have a PDA Phone, O2 XDA II and P800 respectively. So why we are here? To get a pair of Bluetooth headset of course! The Bluetooth headset on offer is the Jabra BT200 Free Speak. Listed price is RM399 but we get it for RM350 because we bought two.

The Jabra BT200 Free Speak Bluetooth Headset
The Jabra BT headset design is different from Sony Ericsson and Nokia. Instead of covering the ear, Jabra put the transmitter at the back of the ear. Such design allows Auntie Hamisah to wear the BT headset under her tudung, so don't get the impression she is scolding you when she giving orders to her kids thru the BT headset with her phone tucked away in the handbag.

Uncle Azman & Auntie Hamisah
After that we went drop by at Berjaya Times Square before heading back to Sogo using the Monorail. The Monorail is suprisingly spacious inside but the ride is harsher than any other light rail system in KL. After walking down the stairs of Medan Tunku's Monorail staion we met this one poor guy. He came all the way from Kluang, Johore for work reason only to be robbed and beaten. Furthermore, he had one big scar at the back of his head as a result of the robbery. Without any money left he pleaded us to give him some money. He even produced a copy of his police report so we gave him enough money to get back to Kluang.

One of KL Monorail's Train
After that we ate at Umar Khayyam Restaurant at Medan Tunku before we went to Sogo to pick up the car and go to Uncle Azman's house in Bangi.