Ibnu Ariff Web Log
Inspirations, Technologies and Events.
Saturday, May 29, 2004
Thursday, May 27, 2004
When Did I...?
When Did I...?
Excerpt from an online form for Matric - Some fields are pre-written.
Man, when did I get married and then divorced? Umarried would be the correct word. BTW, I'll be registering for IIUM Engineering Matriculation this 13th of June. Thanks to all who congratulated me. :D
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Updates on Blogs
Updates on Blogs
eNovel: Jangan Ada Dendam
After 90 series, eNovel Jangan Dendam finally came to an end. For the online version at least. Sri Diah, MBA, Rudy, Eyes, CNMA, Azra Ain and I thanks all readers for all your support.
Read more at http://novel2u.blogspot.com
A new blog! Other blog lists depends on the blogger themselves to submit their info, but Bloghopper would explore, discover, and list it on our own. Interested to join? Drop me an email at ibnu.ariff@gmail.com - meanwhile check out Bloghopper at ttp://www.ibnuariff.com/bloghopper
Monday, May 24, 2004
Allahu - Raihan
Allahu - Raihan

Raihan, one of Malaysia's first contemporary Nasyid group came with another first. After recording a Mandarin song in Gema Alam titled Ching Ai Cing Ai, Raihan came up with Allahu in the Urdu language. The song is lengthy at 6:48 minutes with a cheery tone to it. Beware, you could go 'gelek bollywood' upon hearing this song! But don't worry, as with Ching Ai Cing Ai the song Allahu includes Malay translation lyrics into it so you still could understand the meaning of the song.
This Album also have three song which is duet with other artists. They are Taqwa & Iman with S. Jibeng, 'Araftu Ka with Muhammad al-Husayyan, and Dari Tuhan with Awie. Taqwa & Iman, as you expected with S. Jibeng sounds traditional. 'Araftu Ka also are pretty much traditional Arabic song added with a few lines of English and Malay Lyrics. But then, Dari Tuhan with Awie is really superb with both party having solid vocals. I personally loves this song. This song rocks!
There are also three original song written and composed by members of Raihan themselves titled Ababil by Abu Bakar, Sifat-sifat Nabi by Abu bakar & Che Amran and Pesanan Buat Kita by Nazrey. Ababil is a song about the invasion of Mecca by Abrahah prior to the birth Rasulullah s.a.w. It does not just merely retell this story but also relates and made us ponder with our current situation such as the invasion of Iraq and the Palestinian conflict. Sifat-sifat Nabi would nicely complement 25 Rasul in Syukur as it have that cheerful tune, clearly targeted at the younger ones I presume. Pesanan Buat Kita is laden with advice to all of us (the title says it all) and should be pondered upon.
Oddly, this album also features two songs that had been featured in another group album before. Antara 2 Cinta had been originally featured in Kembara Cinta by Saujana, although there's some modification to it's lyrics. Your Face is Bright had also originally included in Impian Kasih by In-Team under the title of The Messenger of Allah.
Last but not least is Doa Tilawah, a traditional nasyid with Malay lyrics by Che Amran. For me, Allahu would deserve 4 out 5 stars. Cut one star because of the two 'unoriginal' songs. Despite that, Raihan vocals are still superb and would put many new nasyid group to shame. Their songs are also professionally arranged, mixed, and engineered.
Friday, May 21, 2004
Wishing This Just a Dream...
Wishing This Is Just a Dream
This morning I read the Idealism, The Philosophy of The Matrix And The True Nature of Matter by Harun Yahya that debates that our life might just be a dream. And this afternoon, I really wish it is just a dream.
A shocking news came after Friday prayer. My younger sister informed me that one of my fellow schoolmate had passed away. Amirul Azwan of 5SB. The news made me down for almost the whole afternoon. This.... is another painful reminder that we must make the best of our chance & oppurtunity. Also another bitter reminder to be careful on the road. Last year, one of the junior passed away because of accident too.
Too bad I was informed late, the funeral took place before Friday prayer. Azleen did attend the funeral. Insya'Allah, I'll pay his family a visit tomorrow.

The late Amirul Azwan is the one wearing blue cap.
- Sound of Kau Sahabat Kau Teman by Hijjaz -
Thursday, May 20, 2004
New Site Design
New Site Design

This is my latest work for Golden Minds Consultant. This design makeover kept me busy for a few days back, so sorry for the lack of update. I always opt for a minimalist design. Rarely using any kind of elaborate design, and like the clean uncluttered design. That's what they request anyway. My inspiration? IKEA - Simple and practical. Hehe, but never been there. :P
Meanwhile, my client supposed to be in town today. Hopefully I can negotiate for a higher pay. ;)
Saturday, May 15, 2004
Lesson Number Two
Lesson Number Two
Taken from http://pakwattan.blogdrive.com
2. Pengurusan wang dengan baik, jangan kedekut sangat, jangan boros sangat
Well, I'm used to be stingy with friends but that had been improved since I got a substantial income (betul tak kawan-kawan? :P) but then the problem is I can easily overspent indulging myself in things I like. Tech stuffs mainly. Actually I'm itching to upgrade my Nokia 3310 to an MMS phone complete with camera so I can moblog from anywhere.
But then when I reconsider that with the same amount of money I could get a decent low end PC, I cancelled my upgrade plan. That MMS phone would most probably drain my money (MMS & GPRS charges all that). But then with a PC, even though a low end one I could continue make money with this web design business. If there's no jobs either, at least it would be helpful to do all the assignments and such. A money drainer versus a potential money maker - I surely choose the later.
This also reminds me of Uncle Azman, who opt to invest by buying shophouses rather than buying those luxury cars although his business friends kept teasing him to change his Toyota Camry to Mercedes or BMWs. His friends even go to the extent to offer to help him trade in his car for a Mercedes and do for him all the procedures. Tanggung beres la kiranya, but my Uncle just ignore them and smartly manage his finances.
I also must learn to control my spending, and manage my money well or else my earnings would practically just go down the drain.
Thursday, May 13, 2004
A Lesson Learnt
A Lesson Learnt
Discovered a new blog today, http://pakwattan.blogdrive.com by blog-hopping and found what I've been looking for. What I'm looking for? I'm looking for practical advices & tips for starting up and maintaining small business. Some people might wonder why a teenager like me so interested in business - no, I don't study economics nor my father is a businessman either (although he do manage NGOs like a business).
I'm pretty much a very, very small (in term of capital) businessman doing web designs. Somebody always reminds me, start small, but think big. But how do I grow bigger when I don't have a single clue how to maintain this small business? So, have to ask & learn from an experienced sifoo.
Apa yang penting di ingat:
1. penyusunan dan pengurusan fail yang baik, update fail selalu memudahkan segala pengurusan kita dengan pelangan.
Even Pak Wattan's first rule I didn't comply. :P My client's info and project log are practically strewn all over the place - real bad... Good thing must be done at once so I quickly gather all the info and project log from those stick notes, diary and PDA. Then, just make a form in Microsoft Words and enter all the info and project log.
Haa... Only now I can clearly see what's going on with my project and how fast (or how slow) I've been going so far. Now I also could easily hand over the project to other people as all the project info and log is there. Real practical advice, thanks a lot Pak Wattan!
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
O Boss, Where Art Thou? - Part II
O Boss, Where Art Thou? - Part II

Tuesday, May 11, 2004
SMS and Some Blog Tweaking
SMS and Some Blog Tweaking
An SMS from a dear friend this afternoon:
Very, very funny and inappropiate. Finish your studies first!
Meanwhile, Blogger had revamped their blogging tool and added some nice new tags such as the recent posts, comments, and profile. Hmm, just added the recent post feature. For comments I'll still use Haloscan. I've changed some of the links and add a few new blog. Take a look for yourself. :)
Planned to write about my trip to Kuching but I'm just plain lazy. :P Have to brush up client's website here so that made me a bit busy. Anyway I promise to write part of the trip especially the 'naik sampan' part.
Monday, May 10, 2004
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Flying Off!
Flying Off!
I'm flying off to Kuching tomorrow. 10am flight from Kuantan and then take 12 noon flight from KLIA to Kuching. This will be my first visit to East Malaysia. Looking forward to have great time there! Will be back on Sunday. :D
Known Thru Blog
Known Thru Blog
Recently on Saturday I attended a talk by Prof. Dr. Sidek Baba at IIUM Indera Mahkota campus. The talk, which is part of a seminar is organized by PKPIM. On the way to the lecture hall I took the stair up when there's a brother there grinning at me. Once I reached upstairs he asked me, "Do you know who I am?" That made me puzzled, he's definitely not one of the Medical or Pharmacy student here. So I just answer honestly I didn't know. "I'm the one who emailed you a few days back after visiting your blog." Well, well. A nice suprise, someone do recognize me on the street after visiting my blog. :D The brother is Azwiral Bukhairi, VP of PKPIM. We have quick chat before we hear the talk and then he gave his contact card. Looks like we'll keep in touch after this. :)
Back home, I wonder. Should I continue to put my picture here? Or should I not? So far I don't see any harm doing that as I see it as a way that my long lost friends could recognize and find me. My blog posting also 'clean', no content that will offend anyone, and there's no posting that go way down to my heart feeling either. The latter could invade my privacy if I do, as some other fellow blogger learnt it the hard way.
Sunday, May 02, 2004
My Uncle's Wedding
My Uncle's Wedding
0800 - We started our journey to Mentakab from Kuantan for women's side reception. We didn't attend the akad nikah the night before as my mum just get back from Singapore.
1030 - Arrived at Bukit Bendera Resort, Mentakab. All of mum's sibling and their family is already there except for Pak Teh Fuad who's working at Labuan. The nine families put up in ten rooms but it's still a bit too cramped for all of us. I had a late breakfast at one of the rooms and have some chat with my uncles and aunties. Meanwhile, my cousins are enjoying themselves at swimming pool.
How about the bridegroom? Heh, he's having a quick nap. The bride is at her parent's house.
1200 - Check out from hotel. We make our move to rumah bersanggar near the bride's house. Rumah bersanggar is usually a neighbour or relative house where the bridegroom will prepare himself for the bersanding ceremony. While waiting for the rest of our 'batallion' to come I took the oppurtunity to chat and update with two fellow family tech heads - Brother Norman and Jamil.

Last Minute Touch Up
Visit the Photographer in the picture

My Uncle - Grinning Happily On His Wedding Day
1300 - The bridegroom and his family members paraded towards the bride's house. Upon reaching the bride's house compound the bride came out of her house before the couple walks side by side into the house for the bersanding ceremony. The ceremony took about half an hour. After that is a photo session before the couple have their first lunch together as husband and wife.
1430 - We head back home. Plan had already laid for the man's side reception which is scheduled for end of this month at my grandmother's house at Pagoh, Muar, Johor.

The Couple in Royal Yellow