Of Driving Test and Long Lost Friends
Of Driving Test and Long Lost Friends
Today I took my driving test, for the second time actually after failing the on the road test. :P The last time I took a small junction too fast, rally style hehe.... The tester for today is the same as the last time, he cut the test short and made me took two small junction. This time I made it quite nicely and as a result I passed the test. Now waiting to get the drving license, and don't forget to buy two sets of P sticker.
While waiting for my turn to take the test, I've met two long lost primary school friends - Syamil & Salwa. I recognized Syamil immediately, but Syamil and I decided to verify it's really Salwa by making a miss call. Where did he got her phone number? From another primary school friend he said. Syamil didn't change much, just being taller and a bit slimmer but Salwa's skin tone had brighten too much as a result of being a 'puteri lilin' since she enter secondary school. That's why we are not sure it's really her in the first place.
We haven't met each other for almost six years although Kuantan is not that big and all of us attended secondary schools around Kuantan. After getting re-acquanted, we updated each other what each of us had been up to and what's up with our other friends. Syamil got a place at Pahang Matriculation Centre while Salwa is waiting for UIA English Language Matriculation.
Speaking of Matriculation College let's take a look at one of terms and conditions of the programme.

At first, I found the term very ridiculous. Who would be married before the offer came out? If you are already married or get married during the programme the offer is revoked immediately. But then... A shocking news from my two long-lost friends - a few of our fellow primary school friends are already married and one them already have a child! *Gasp* I thought they were joking but I can't find the twinkle of mischief in their eyes and they wouldn't joke about such news. Even more, Salwa swored she had met our friend and her husband.
Masya-Allah, I'm stupefied to hear the news and made me speechless for a few moments. I don't want to elaborate much on this matter by mentioning who's who or when but I hope they would live happily with their respective husband/wife. But suffice to say, there's a stark contrast between my primary school and seconday school in term of socio-economic background. In my primary school, many of them are from the lower category with some are the urban poor. On the other hand at my secondary school many are from the upper category with many of them parents are professionals, businessmen, and a few politicians. We have MB's son and daughters even. And I suspect that difference made such early marriage happen. Wallahualam...
This had made really appreciate what I have now - a good family, great friends, a chance to further my studies and pursuing my dreams. And being super-single too... :P