Who's In My Heart?
Some people wondered, what is meant by Single, Not Available, Not Seeking that I wrote at the sidebar. No brainer, but the last two actually means that I *don't* have have some one special and not even bother to look for one. For now, that's it. Purposely left an empty space in my heart, I don't know yet how long it will remain like that. At least until I secured a place at a university, or most probably until I graduate. The empty space doesn't hurt me either, I feel free instead.
Many people said that having a special person in your heart will drive you to excel. That is not necessarily true, many of my friends who had girlfriend doesn't excel either. For me, it's not necessary and more or less a burden in my opinion. 'Maintaining' a girlfriend is not cheap you know, you have to call them, bring them for a date, buy them presents, remember their birthday, etc. Such expenses would eat up my tech-spending and savings! It is proven relationship formed during school years are usually not destined to last, so I would not unnecessarily waste my time and money on girlfriends now. Call me selfish but better save my money to buy new PDA, CDs, and anything that strikes my fancy.
But then what is my driving force? My family, teachers, and family friends. How about friends? Some of it, maybe. But most just bring negative impacts especially schoolmates. That's why I befriended my father coulleages like Doc Jamal, Mr. Zaharin and Doc Ailin. Even Mr. Asri, a bank support manager that I knew through the net. I don't care if my schoolmates says that I'm anti-social or what not. Better have a few friends that benefits me, sharing knowledge and advices rather than having a battalion of outlaw friends.