Monday, August 02, 2004

Blog Strike?

No, I'm not on a strike like Wawa & Tok Rimau. There's been no update because I'm quite busy with many things such as quizzes, tests, exams, meeting & workshops. Plus I have to empty my room because MCIIUM is the host of IPTIM Sports Carnival starting this weekend. It's quite tedious to haul all of the heavy stuffs back to our house in KL but Alhamdulillah my friend borrowed his dad car so I don't have to bring my two big luggage bag using the LRT. That was on the recent Saturday, and thanks a lot to Farid who drove all the way to my house in Keramat and then head back to Bangi. The car is an old manual Volvo and KL traffic was heavy that day so you can imagine how tedious it is for him to drive that day. Man, buying him lunch and paying for the toll that day is still not enough for his tremendous help. I do have a good time that with the three Bangi boys which is Farid, Adil and Zaki. Adil and Zaki kept us entertained all the way wading through the traffic jam with their superb vocals singing out songs composed by themselves and currently popular songs. (Mostly nasyids, Adil and Zaki is member of their school nasyid group, Al-Madani of SMK Jalan Tiga, Bangi) Plus Afiq (Labu) from Keramat who joined us for lunch at Setiawangsa at a food court in front of my former school, S.K Taman Setiawangsa.

On the recent Saturday and the Saturday before is the Saturday Series Soft Skills Workshop. On the first week is Communication Skills with one of the speaker is Miss Hafidah Samat, Entertainment Journalist from NST. Then the second week is on Personality Assesment, which the speaker is Mr. Ahmad Zaki Zafaai, a consultant. He's an IIUM graduate from the IRK (Islamic Revealed Knowledge) in Tafsir, minor in Psychology. We are quite suprised when he said he's an IRK graduate, since he doesn't look or act like one.

On the recent Saturday is also the first Arabic Test at Al-Malik Faisal Hall. Fairly easy, I got 19.5 over 20. That is mostly because I've learned at school before so here I'm pretty much just re-remember all those stuffs. The next test is on 11 September, which promise to be much more challenging than the recent one. (The date itself signifies something very challenging)

This week will be full of quizzes and test. This morning is the Chemistry Quiz, Wednesday is Maths Quiz, Thursday will be FKM Quiz and Chemistry Mid-Semester Examination. Lastly on Friday night is Computer Mid-Semester Examination. So don't expect any updates until Friday. Then after this hectic week is the Mid-Semester break for a week but surely there's assignments to do. So most probably I'll finish all my tasks here before going back to Kuantan so I can fully relax and enjoy myself. (That's what I think and wish for, but I do feel there's some task waiting back in Kuantan)

Well, that's it for now and also welcome back to college for my friends at KPM Matriculation Collegess, wishing all of you a new, refreshed, high spirit to strive for excellence.

Knowledge, Compassion, Smart


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