Sunday, February 29, 2004


Thanks to all bloggers who congratulated my SPM result. Nothing to boast about just 5A and 4B. Managed to get an A in Bahasa Malaysia, English, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics and Chemistry. Got an A1 for GCE O-Level English also which is based on my composition. This means that my composition is quite good eh? Hehe, angkat bakul betul! The composition I wrote is to answer the question 'An Invention I Can't Live Without'. It's not hard to guess what the invention is - the Internet of course! I wrote the brief history of Internet, applications, and of course the blogging culture. Thanks to all my fellow bloggers who write wonderful and insightful posts. Truly my blog had bring me much rizq. Got to know some nice new friends and contacts. And even securing my first website building contract!

For next week I'll give you all an insight into three projects by Muslim NGOs in Pahang which my dad is directly involved. I hope by sharing the insight would motivate more people among us to initiate projects that would bring up the image of us Muslims. We have been lagging behind in this, we should catch up and I hope I would be able to contribute in the future. Right now what can I do is spread the knowledge. Insya-Allah.

The Projects Are:
  • Pusat Haemodialisis Islam Makmur (Haemodialysis Center)

  • Klinik Al-Amin (Clinic)

  • Rumah Anak Yatim Cahaya Makmur (Orphanage Home)


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