Quotable Quotes: Taaruf Week November 2005

"The SOAS Professor said; "In the future the leaders will be divided into two - those from our system (Western) and those from your university (IIUM)"
Ustaz Hamidon Abdul Hamid
Deputy Rector, Student & Alumni Affairs
"What is learning all about? It's the inculcation of 'Adab, a transformation not mere transfer, internalization using 'Aql & Qalb and manifestation through action."
Dr. Sidek Baba
"Mak saya baru SMS tadi wish saya happy birthday. Katanya belajar rajin-rajin, cepat-cepat grad, cepat-cepat kahwin..."
An IRK student when the committees thrown
a suprise birthday celebration for her.
"I never thought that the committee would celebrate my birthday today. I thought the committee don't care about us. Thanks for making this birthday a memorable one..."
An Engineering student when the committees
thrown a suprise birthday celebration for him.
P/S: More KAED, IIUM pictures here.
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